Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Rut

Remember bad things happen in 3's. I was up to number two... and then number three came along. And while I was dealing with this I had been away from here, and away from everyone else's blogs - please forgive me - I promise to catch up.

Life has been somewhat quiet with Morgan gone. I now have quite the boring routine:
Work -> Home -> TV Shows, Dinner-> Sleep. I gotta fit the gym in there, ehh I'll start that next week.
He and I talk often and nothing has been resolved or figured out yet - mostly because we haven't seen eachother. I'm supposed to go up there the first weekend in November - it's still pending - but if I do go up, I'll be back with answers, many answers. I think I'm too nice to him, too caring, and too forgiving. I need to stop being like this, it's not fair to myself. So I plan on having it all out with him - everything, how I feel, how he makes me feel, and what the hell are we doing????

In the meantime, I've been low, low, low, on cash and took up a waitressing/bartending job. HA - Guess where?! THE BAR, yea the place Morgan had worked at. I've worked at this place before - yet a different location. I'm only working Saturday nights and mostly waitressing, it's not bad. There's something I love about the restaurant business.

I apologize for the boring post. But I'm in such a rut, let's hope things pick up soon.


Blogger Carl from L.A. said...

I think you should definitely keep your eyes open instead of focusing too much on you and Morgan's relationship. Your plan on having everything out with him when (and if) you see him may not accomplish a whole lot especially if he wants to string you along. The only way to maintain a long distance relationship, from my experience, is to talk often (daily) and meet often (weekly). Otherwise IMO there is no relationship.

10/27/2005 4:09 PM  
Blogger The Great and Might Os said...

Joey... I speak from experience. Just working in a bar will spice your life up a bit.

As for ruts, they are God's way to remind us to enjoy the good times while we have them. Also, there is nothing wrong with a calm, steady routine in times of heavy stress, sadness or what have you. They can be relaxing. I've been in one.....for 30 years...

Glad to see you up and posting again.


10/27/2005 4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I'm too nice to him, too caring, and too forgiving.

I'm like that too. My friends are angrier with the guys in my life than I am. I give them all the chances to get back into my good graces (when they don't deserve it) and they end up blowing it. I just can't stand the thought that if it ends at least I know *I* did all I could and nobody has the right to blame me for any shortcomings. And with having it all out, I'm like that too because I want to be absolutely clear about things because communication is always the key. If he says that he wants this, then I'll let him know that I don't feel that he does and he should act that he really does because I'm already dishing out some major effort at my end.

10/29/2005 6:41 AM  
Blogger Arashi-KIshu said...

Oh sweetie that wasn't boring at all! Good luck with you and Morgan. God knows we all need it right now.

10/29/2005 11:08 AM  

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